• District 322B2

    Make your impression

Past District Governors

Ashok Gupta

Lions Club Calcutta Cosmopolitan

A K Gupta &amp; Co 42 /1 B B Ganguly Street 4th Floor<br>Calcutta, West Bengal 700012<br>India


Lion Ashok Gupta is a young, energetic, dynamic and dedicated Lion, having experience galore in diversified field. He joined Leo Club of Circular and joined Lionism in the year 1984. Lion Ashok served the District successfully in various capacities with every Dist. Govemor since 1993 and elected to the post of 1st Vice District Governor in 2012-13. He has attended many Conventions and Area Forum. He has acclaimed various awards in all the capacity as Cabinet Member including International President's Appreciation Certificates (8), New Club Extension Award (2), Builder Key Award, International Leadership Medal, International Presidential Medal and Lion of the Multiple. Lion Ashok is recognized Faculty from Lion Clubs International and Graduated in 2010 from Faculty Development Institute. He is a Melvin Jones Fellow. A Law Graduate from Calcutta University, he is having a succeddful Tax Consultancy Practice. Lion Ashok is always eager to extend his helpingh hand to his colleagues and always a smiling worker. Happily married to indu, and blessed with one son Aipesh and one daughter Pritika.