• District 322B2

    Make your impression

Past District Governors

Mr. B P Yaduka

Lions Club Calcutta Kankurgachhi

133 Canning Street 3rd Floor Room No 9<br>Calcutta, 700001<br>India


Lion B. P. Yaduka joined Lionism in 1980 as Chartered Member of Lions Club of Kankurgachhi. His performance was recognized through several awards. As DC Sight First he was instrumental in shattering all old records of eye operations in the District. Total 18,240 cataract surgeries were performed in the whole year.

Among the first few Melvin Jones Fellow from the District in 1989-90, Yaduka is also the recipient of various prestigious awards - Advance Leadership Award, International President's Appreciation Certificate, more than Twenty Six Clubs Extension award. Best DC Sight First in Multiple and Lions International Excellence Award in Sight First.

B. P. Yaduka is a team man, a motivator and believes in setting examples. Lion Yaduka is a practicing Chartered Accountant. B. P. Yaduka is married to Manju and has three sons Deepak, Manish and Avinash.